Congratulations to each of the following EEDA staff who completed one or more levels in the NADSP E-Badge Academy credentialing program.
We are so proud of your hard work and the amazing support you provide!
Anthony MoreaDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Nicolas AulettiDSP-I Certification
Jacqueline ChavezDSP-I Certification
Kayla BougheyDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-II, & FLS Certification
Nicole CharlesDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Ann SmithDSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Lynell Griffin
DSP-I Certification
Thomas KennedyDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Laurie Whittemore
DSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Giselle Douglas
Anamarie Maryon
Patti MaioranaDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
John AmayaDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Cassandra HarrietDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Shaunice FainesDSP-I Certification
Kelly KnussmanDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Mike HutchingsDSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Sharon MitchellDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Elizabeth RushDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Danielle Neff
DSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Domenica Schumph
Adam WeyantDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Samantha FenoyDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Cheryl RutkowskiDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Sabrina PuertasDSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Rita MayoDSP-I Certification
Victoria MoraceDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Vanessa SchumpfDSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP III Certification
Sahlise CherryDSP-I Certification
Jaime Mescia
DSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Shanelle Walker
Michael JacksonDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Celina GreenDSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Kelly WeresnickDSP-I Certification
Lisa RhynerDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Sandra York
DSP-I, DSP-II, & DSP-III Certification
Steve MurphyDSP-I Certification
Robert DumasDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Anna SemisaDSP-I, DSP-II, DSP-III, & FLS Certification
Christine Proietti
DSP-I & DSP-II Certification
Sharon Harrison
EEDA staff generously provided the following submissions completed during their work with the NADSP E-Badge Academy. These submissions exemplify their dedication, compassion, and how they embody the values of the NADSP Code of Ethics every day in their work at EEDA.
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- It is almost on a daily basis we use positive communication to help support the people we give service to. As a staff member, I think it is important to show love and compassion at all times and make sure the energy you are projecting is warm and comforting. There is a woman that lives in one of the organization's houses and comes to our day program as well. It is almost on a daily basis where she has outbursts and can become very irate and emotional. I always try to come to a point of understanding with her and validate her feelings, even though they may be irrational at times. If she is yelling, I gently ask her to “lower her voice” so I can speak with her in a calm demeanor. Once she stops yelling and crying, I engage her with polite conversation to reassure her everything is going to be ok and remind her of the positive things going on in her life. Some days are more difficult than others but this method is my go-to when she is riding her emotional rollercoaster.
- I always try and put the people we are giving services to first. Which can be difficult at times because we as people are not always at 100% when it comes to our stamina, emotional health and well-being. Life’s obstacles sometimes get in the way of the way we treat one another. However, I do my best to come in to work with a positive attitude and make sure that I am doing everything in my power to put the ones we care for first. I treat them with love, respect, and compassion, which aligns with the NADSP Code of Ethics.
Adam Weyant
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Title / East End Disability Associates
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One morning while I was at my desk located at the Henry Pfeifer Community Center, a person we support knocked on my door to inform me of a nosebleed. I utilized my first aid skills by asking if she was okay and telling her not to panic, everything was going it be fine. I immediately put gloves on both hands and grabbed some tissues. I had the person we support pinch their nose with the tissue and leaned her head forward as if she was looking at the ground, so the blood doesn’t go down her throat and I called the nurse for further instruction. The person we support was satisfied and thankful for the help received.
It is important to for all DSPs to know how to do first aid training for the safety of the people we support. Due to my first aid training, I was able to use my first aid training skills with confidence and the person we support was more than relieved I knew how to handle this first aid emergency properly. The NADSP Code of Ethics states, “I will commit to promote the emotional, physical, and personal well-being of the people I support.”
It is important to for all DSPs to know how to do first aid training for the safety of the people we support. Due to my first aid training, I was able to use my first aid training skills with confidence and the person we support was more than relieved I knew how to handle this first aid emergency properly. The NADSP Code of Ethics states, “I will commit to promote the emotional, physical, and personal well-being of the people I support.”
Nicole Charles
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Creative Arts Program Coordinator / East End Disability Associates
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I am a Senior DSP at a residential group home. On Saturday mornings some of the individuals that I support and I seek out some kind of community volunteering opportunity. This one Saturday we see an online flyer that says that a local farm restoration was asking for volunteers to help clean up the farm and museum property on Earth Day (it had been a long winter and there were a lot of sticks and trash that had collected on the lawn), and they were going to get pizza for anyone that helped. We show up at the allotted time, and Rebecca (all names changed for privacy) told us to see Gene the farm foreman. We find Gene and tell him that we were there to help with the cleanup (and of course pizza later), and he looked at my small group and told us we could help Rebecca greet the other volunteers at the gate. We looked back at the gate and then looked back at Gene and said, "we came out to help with the cleanup, tell us where you want us to start." Gene realized that he had made a mistake and told us that we could take the wheelbarrow and start over by the big oak. Sometimes people make mistakes and foreman Gene corrected himself quickly (no one was going to look at my group and assess that we weren’t capable of picking up sticks and trash on earth day). All the volunteers did a great job that day, and we ate pizza and drank soda and talked about old-time farming.
A generic community agency is an organization that is tasked with helping people in need within a certain geographic area with funds put up by government or private institutions. Coordination with theses agencies is important because it lets them know where their assistance is most greatly needed and it gives the people in need an opportunity to experience things that they would not have been exposed to otherwise. In my case and the people that I was supporting that day, the farm was tasked to bring a real farming and educational experience to people who wanted to show their need of community involvement. The larger our circle of inclusion, the better and stronger our community will grow.
A generic community agency is an organization that is tasked with helping people in need within a certain geographic area with funds put up by government or private institutions. Coordination with theses agencies is important because it lets them know where their assistance is most greatly needed and it gives the people in need an opportunity to experience things that they would not have been exposed to otherwise. In my case and the people that I was supporting that day, the farm was tasked to bring a real farming and educational experience to people who wanted to show their need of community involvement. The larger our circle of inclusion, the better and stronger our community will grow.
Anthony Morea
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Residential Senior DSP / East End Disability Associates
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When I worked as a residential manager, I had supported someone who identified as a male to female transgender. When they came out, the staff had a hard time with ignoring their own bias and would not use this persons proper pronouns (she/her). This person I supported had asked me to help support them by letting them speak at the staff meeting we were having and addressing what it meant for the staff to address them by the proper pronouns. I happily scheduled time out for this person to address the staff with what they wanted to say and happily followed their lead by helping them articulate what they were trying to say. I also assisted with helping them answer questions. This was important to them, and they thanked me after the meeting. Utilizing the NADSP Code of Ethics, I was able to utilize, person-centered supports, integrity and responsibility, respect, relationships, and advocacy all in one sitting by supporting and helping to facilitate this participant-directed conversation that had a positive impact on the staff, the person supported, and myself.
Kayla Boughey
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Creative Arts Program Manager / East End Disability Associates
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Some individuals are more understanding of data collection than others. J.K. is a gentleman I worked with a few years ago who was very aware of data collection. At the IRA XYZ sheets were used. This is a sheet where you can document something an individual did that was according to their plan. The excitement with an XYZ sheet is it is given to the individual and celebrated. J.K. loved receiving XYZ sheets but wasn’t always compliant with completing his goals. J.K. would be reminded how much he enjoyed showing off his XYZ sheet to his peers, and I would offer to do his goal with him, typically it was walking on the treadmill in the mornings. By doing the goal with J.K. on days he needed a little extra motivation, he was able to earn an XYZ sheet. It was something so simple but really would make J.K.’s day.
In this example of data collection, I was able to help J.K. achieve his goal of receiving an XYZ sheet by using a person-centered approach. By knowing J.K., I was able to collect the data for his daily goals contemporaneously while making sure he was fully engaged. The NADSP Code of Ethics says “Focus first on the person and understand that my role in direct supports will require flexibility, creativity, and commitment” and I did this by making J.K.'s running goal fun for him. As a DSP I have ethical responsibilities to consider when collecting data for an individual. I must make sure all data entered is correct, contemporaneous, and keep it confidential.
In this example of data collection, I was able to help J.K. achieve his goal of receiving an XYZ sheet by using a person-centered approach. By knowing J.K., I was able to collect the data for his daily goals contemporaneously while making sure he was fully engaged. The NADSP Code of Ethics says “Focus first on the person and understand that my role in direct supports will require flexibility, creativity, and commitment” and I did this by making J.K.'s running goal fun for him. As a DSP I have ethical responsibilities to consider when collecting data for an individual. I must make sure all data entered is correct, contemporaneous, and keep it confidential.
Samantha Fenoy
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Senior Residential Manager / East End Disability Associates
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As a Staff Development Coordinator, my job is to train new hires for our agency in whichever location they are assigned to. I went to a two-day seminar on Person-Centered Thinking. I learned about the different tools and methods that I could use that would be helpful in the field in training the new staff how to be the best DSPs that they can be. I already knew that putting the people we support first in their wants and needs is a priority, but having the tools and methods to teach new staff was very useful for me personally. This seminar was valuable for me and my profession on several levels. I was able to teach staff by performance-based modeling, and being able to explain why I did things a certain way helped to make them better staff for the people we support. That is my mission.
Ongoing professional development is consistent with the NADSP Code of Ethics in integrity and responsibility. Supporting the mission and vitality of my profession as a Staff Development Coordinator to aid new staff in assisting the people we support in leading self-directed lives and also helping new staff foster a spirit of partnership with the people we support.
Ongoing professional development is consistent with the NADSP Code of Ethics in integrity and responsibility. Supporting the mission and vitality of my profession as a Staff Development Coordinator to aid new staff in assisting the people we support in leading self-directed lives and also helping new staff foster a spirit of partnership with the people we support.
Kelly Knussman
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Staff Development Coordinator / East End Disability Associates
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One of the people we support, who we will call “Gary,” moved into a house I was working at a few years ago. He was very nervous and seemed uncomfortable because he was a little shy and did not know the other people living in the residence. I spent a lot of time with Gary in the first couple of weeks after he moved in to help him acclimate to his new home. As time went on Gary appeared to become very comfortable with the staff in his new home as we were all working hard to help him. However, it was still obvious that Gary was not comfortable with his new housemates and he did not interact with them much.
I started taking Gary out once a week on outings with one of his housemates and I would take him out with a different housemate each week. I really felt like this allowed Gary to open up more as he could get to know his peers in a one on one situation. After only a few weeks of these outings Gary’s assimilation into his new house felt complete. He was now interacting with all of his housemates at the residence and from that point on he never seemed to feel uncomfortable in his own home again. I believe that this scenario is a perfect example of how my work enhanced the emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of a person I support.
This example of my work aligns with the NADSP Code of Ethics because I was promoting the emotional well-being of a person I support. It also specifically aligns with relationships as I assisted Gary with developing and maintaining relationships.
I started taking Gary out once a week on outings with one of his housemates and I would take him out with a different housemate each week. I really felt like this allowed Gary to open up more as he could get to know his peers in a one on one situation. After only a few weeks of these outings Gary’s assimilation into his new house felt complete. He was now interacting with all of his housemates at the residence and from that point on he never seemed to feel uncomfortable in his own home again. I believe that this scenario is a perfect example of how my work enhanced the emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of a person I support.
This example of my work aligns with the NADSP Code of Ethics because I was promoting the emotional well-being of a person I support. It also specifically aligns with relationships as I assisted Gary with developing and maintaining relationships.
Michael Jackson
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Residential Manager / East End Disability Associates
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The name “Juanita “is a fictional name use in the description.
Juanita is a person that I support. Juanita called mom for all she does and will follow all mom will tell her. Juanita will come and talk to me and say that she would like to be more independent on making purchases for herself and making her own decisions. I talk to Juanita and ask if she would like to go to the store. I tell her I will take her to look around and see what she would like to purchase. Juanita said,
“please take me,” so I took her. Juanita was excited that she was going to the store to look around.
Juanita made it clear that she will like to purchase an exercise bike. I took her to the correct store and she looked for the exercise bike. She found one that she really liked and asked the salesperson for the price and any questions that she had. Juanita said that she would like the bike. She had the money and a bit extra. Junita called her mom and gave mom the information, the price of the bike, and where she would put it in the residence. Mom said no, saying that she did not know how to ride a bike and that she was not going to use it or be safe. Juanita was really upset. Her mom called me and said that no she cant get the bike. I told mom that Juanita was very excited to purchase the bike and that she was not going to use it alone that I was going to be with her. Juanita mentioned that she knew how to ride a bike, that I was there to help and support her. Juanita said, “I know how to ride a bike and I wanted it.”
I told Juanita let’s make a plan on what days you will ride the bike and for how long. We started writing in a journal with Juanita, and we started with everything she learned about the exercise bike, and how it will help her. Juanita also looked online for free classes that she can do. Juanita and I sat and did this. Juanita then called mom again and read the journal pages to mom, telling her what she will use it for. Juanita said this will help with my weight, and I will do cardio in the house and attend online classes for free. Before calling mom I told Juanita to express to mom her feelings and why she wanted it. Because Juanita had mentioned that she wanted to exercise in the house and wanted to do it in private, not at a gym, and that she was not going to be alone during the time she will use the exercise bike. Juanita called mom and told mom everything she wrote in her journal, and expressed to mom that she wanted and that she had enough money to purchase the bike. Mom was surprised that Juanita expressed herself to her and took all the time to start a journal about what she wanted and how it was going to help her health and wanted to be active in her room privately.
The importance of having a code of ethics is having a standard that will better support the people I support, while helping them be as independent as possible. The NADSP Code of Ethics says, “as a DSP, I will advocate with the person I support for justice, inclusion, and full community participation.” I did this by supporting Juanita to speak for herself, and I was able to assist when needed. Juanita told her mom the reason why she wanted the bike and expressed to her mom why she wanted it, the benefits of it, and express to her mom that she was capable.
Juanita is a person that I support. Juanita called mom for all she does and will follow all mom will tell her. Juanita will come and talk to me and say that she would like to be more independent on making purchases for herself and making her own decisions. I talk to Juanita and ask if she would like to go to the store. I tell her I will take her to look around and see what she would like to purchase. Juanita said,
“please take me,” so I took her. Juanita was excited that she was going to the store to look around.
Juanita made it clear that she will like to purchase an exercise bike. I took her to the correct store and she looked for the exercise bike. She found one that she really liked and asked the salesperson for the price and any questions that she had. Juanita said that she would like the bike. She had the money and a bit extra. Junita called her mom and gave mom the information, the price of the bike, and where she would put it in the residence. Mom said no, saying that she did not know how to ride a bike and that she was not going to use it or be safe. Juanita was really upset. Her mom called me and said that no she cant get the bike. I told mom that Juanita was very excited to purchase the bike and that she was not going to use it alone that I was going to be with her. Juanita mentioned that she knew how to ride a bike, that I was there to help and support her. Juanita said, “I know how to ride a bike and I wanted it.”
I told Juanita let’s make a plan on what days you will ride the bike and for how long. We started writing in a journal with Juanita, and we started with everything she learned about the exercise bike, and how it will help her. Juanita also looked online for free classes that she can do. Juanita and I sat and did this. Juanita then called mom again and read the journal pages to mom, telling her what she will use it for. Juanita said this will help with my weight, and I will do cardio in the house and attend online classes for free. Before calling mom I told Juanita to express to mom her feelings and why she wanted it. Because Juanita had mentioned that she wanted to exercise in the house and wanted to do it in private, not at a gym, and that she was not going to be alone during the time she will use the exercise bike. Juanita called mom and told mom everything she wrote in her journal, and expressed to mom that she wanted and that she had enough money to purchase the bike. Mom was surprised that Juanita expressed herself to her and took all the time to start a journal about what she wanted and how it was going to help her health and wanted to be active in her room privately.
The importance of having a code of ethics is having a standard that will better support the people I support, while helping them be as independent as possible. The NADSP Code of Ethics says, “as a DSP, I will advocate with the person I support for justice, inclusion, and full community participation.” I did this by supporting Juanita to speak for herself, and I was able to assist when needed. Juanita told her mom the reason why she wanted the bike and expressed to her mom why she wanted it, the benefits of it, and express to her mom that she was capable.
Jacqueline Chavez
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Residential Manager / East End Disability Associates
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All names used are not real.
There was an individual named Jacob who I supported in something that I did not believe in at all. Jacob was Jewish and practiced Judaism. Jacob knew Hebrew and already knew how to read some of the Torah. Jacob wanted to become more involved in the religion and he wanted to start going in person. He was taught Hebrew by his parents and how to read it as well. This was difficult for me because I am Catholic and I only believe in that one god. So I needed to adjust what I believed in order to support him with what he wants, which is to increase his knowledge of Judaism and of the Torah. So when we went to temple for his classes, I would sit with him and assist him with sounding out words he was not able to pronounce out of the Torah. Of course I did not know what I was saying, but when I would sound them out with him and was able to say the word, he knew what it meant. After a while of doing this he was able to one day go up and do a ready during temple services. It was a great day for him.
According to the NADSP Code of Ethics it states, “Be aware of my own values and how they influence my professional decisions.” I believe I followed that because I knew that I was biased because I did not follow or believe in that religion, so I knew that I needed to keep my beliefs to myself to not influence Jacob in any way. I needed to keep an open mind in order to assist Jacob fully.
There was an individual named Jacob who I supported in something that I did not believe in at all. Jacob was Jewish and practiced Judaism. Jacob knew Hebrew and already knew how to read some of the Torah. Jacob wanted to become more involved in the religion and he wanted to start going in person. He was taught Hebrew by his parents and how to read it as well. This was difficult for me because I am Catholic and I only believe in that one god. So I needed to adjust what I believed in order to support him with what he wants, which is to increase his knowledge of Judaism and of the Torah. So when we went to temple for his classes, I would sit with him and assist him with sounding out words he was not able to pronounce out of the Torah. Of course I did not know what I was saying, but when I would sound them out with him and was able to say the word, he knew what it meant. After a while of doing this he was able to one day go up and do a ready during temple services. It was a great day for him.
According to the NADSP Code of Ethics it states, “Be aware of my own values and how they influence my professional decisions.” I believe I followed that because I knew that I was biased because I did not follow or believe in that religion, so I knew that I needed to keep my beliefs to myself to not influence Jacob in any way. I needed to keep an open mind in order to assist Jacob fully.
John Amaya
East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates
Residential Manager / East End Disability Associates
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NADSP Pilot StaffCassandra, Ronnie, and Anthony discuss their involvement in the NADSP E-Badge Academy.
About the NADSP E-Badge Program
The Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) partnered with The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to provide grants to organizations throughout New York state providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This grant offers direct support professionals (DSPs) and Frontline Supervisors (FLSs) the opportunity to pursue national credentials through the NADSP E-Badge Academy and provides bonuses along the way for the completion of each certification. EEDA was very proud to be one of the 21 agencies in NYS to be chosen.
The E-Badge Academy offers DSPs and FLSs the ability to earn their certification through electronic badges. There are three levels of DSP badges and one FLS badge. All these badges allow the staff to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and values that they utilize every day while working with the people we support. The badges are all based on the nine tenants of the NADSP Code of Ethics and how they demonstrate their commitment.
Staff who are working through the NADSP E-Badge credentialing program are able to reach out for support from the local administrator, their direct supervisors, and anyone else at EEDA who has the resources and knowledge to provide assistance. EEDA is fully committed to seeing NADSP E-Badge Academy students successfully complete this credentialing program. Staff who complete this program will be an asset to EEDA, our existing staff, and the people we support. It is EEDA’s plan that once individuals receive their NADSP E-Badge credentials, they will assist and mentor future applicants.
The E-Badge Academy offers DSPs and FLSs the ability to earn their certification through electronic badges. There are three levels of DSP badges and one FLS badge. All these badges allow the staff to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and values that they utilize every day while working with the people we support. The badges are all based on the nine tenants of the NADSP Code of Ethics and how they demonstrate their commitment.
Staff who are working through the NADSP E-Badge credentialing program are able to reach out for support from the local administrator, their direct supervisors, and anyone else at EEDA who has the resources and knowledge to provide assistance. EEDA is fully committed to seeing NADSP E-Badge Academy students successfully complete this credentialing program. Staff who complete this program will be an asset to EEDA, our existing staff, and the people we support. It is EEDA’s plan that once individuals receive their NADSP E-Badge credentials, they will assist and mentor future applicants.